Monday 11 June 2012

Guest Post: Christie L. Rich

Greetings Lads and Ladies, as I promised in my last post Ms. Christie Rich.

Hello Everyone!

I’d like to thank Rosa for inviting me to chat with you today. She asked that I share some thoughts about writing, and I am more than happy to do it.

Writing is, in a word, AMAZING. LOL. My writing journey started a few years ago. Make no mistake, I’ve always been creative. I’ve told stories to myself for entertainment all my life, especially on long trips and such. From an early age the magical took hold of me and never let go. I love to think about alternate worlds and how magic could affect us, if we had the ability.

A few years ago, I rediscovered my love for reading and devoured everything I could get my hands on. I loved books that incorporated the fantastical, and soon, an idea had formed in my mind. It was vague, but the spark had been planted. Soon, a little pixie, named Fexlie, popped into my head, and she intrigued me so much, I explored who she was on my commute to and from work every day. I was lucky enough to have a forty minute commute at the time, so I had plenty of time to daydream.

Pretty soon, Fexlie introduced me to the main character of, Five, the first book in my Elemental Enmity series. Some people have asked how I came up with the world in this series, and I have to say that it came from questioning other books I had read where fae (fairies) were always bad or in the very least, mischievous creatures who had no caring for how they affected those they interacted with. So I guess the real answer is that this particular world came from a question: What if the fae were misunderstood?

The story solidified and I wrote the first draft of this series. I hired an editor who made me understand that there was a lot more to the story than what my first draft showed.

I’m a Happily Ever After girl, so I think part of me knew the kind of struggles Rayla would have to face and went right to that HEA, yet once I was open to other things within the story, a floodgate opened and the TRUE story flowed out.

I was swept away with the complexity of the society and characters that showed themselves to me, and pretty soon, I had my second draft which came with a new name, Five. Five refers to many things within the story arch. There are five fae lords that want to bond with Rayla to claim her power. There are five fae houses that want that power to gain supremacy over the other houses. And there are five elements that Rayla can control. She is the only one that can manipulate all elements at once, which essentially makes her the only person on the planet that possesses true magic.
Rayla is a feisty girl who doesn’t want to be bossed around, and most of the story revolves around her struggles to keep her freedom while making the right choices for everyone involved. Rayla has to face her weaknesses and discover who she is before she can take her place as the new queen of the fae, but there are many forces trying to overtake her mind and with it, her power.

This has been such a fun experience for me, and I can’t see a day where I will ever want to stop writing. Where else would I be able to live a different life in a different world so fully?
Five and Dark Matter are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords. Genesis, the third book in the series will be out in August. I don’t have a firm date yet, but hope to soon.

I’d love to hear how you feel about writing and/or reading and how it has impacted your life in the comments below. I’d also love to hear from you at my blog or on twitter!/authorchristier

Thanks so much for having me today, Rosa! Happy reading everyone!



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